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Your Stampin' Up! Demo

  • Your Stampin' Up! Demo
    Have you checked out the awesome products available through Stampin' Up? If your interested, check out my site for the online catalog, online ordering, fun ideas and more! :)

est. 04.02.05

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My bloglines is just catching up to your blog, so for some reason I missed this post! But I would defintely love to keep going with your layouts. Your layouts always give me a huge amount of inspiration and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!

Hi Robyn, I would love it if you'd keep the monthly layouts going on your blog....they inspire me so much.
Best wishes for your future....such a talented gal as yourself will no doubt have extraordinary success wherever she goes. Take care!

I would like to see your class continued on your blog!!!!! Thank you for offering to do it.


Robyn - you'll be missed at twopeas for sure. Loved the year of you class - though I still need to catch up. Good luck with your new endeavors - I'm excited to see what's in store for you! :)

Of course I'll miss you in the garden, but good for you for taking a leap. Change petrifies me. But I look forward to more new inspiration from you!

Robyn: I will miss you in the garden, but you have to do what's right for you and your family. (At least I still know where to find you.) I would love for you to continue your class here on your blog. I love your work and your style, it's absolutely amazing! Good luck and I can't wait to see what you've got in store.

I will miss your Year of You LOs, but totally understand when circumstances in life dictates the need for change. I would love to see any other LO's you share - your style is unique and I have learned SO much through the class! Wishing you all the best with your new endeavours.

So glad you will be still sharing your inspriational work on your blog. I have loved your pea class throughout this year and would love to see some thing similar keep going.
enjoy the changes in your life.

I'm seriously going to miss your inspiration in the Garden:(
I'll just have to check here more often though won't I? LOL!
While I certainly really like Jen Gallacher's style and her
Year of You article this month--I'd also REALLY LOVE it if
you continued to post yours here as well:)

So excited for you! I am sure that it was quite the committment and only you know what is best for you and your family so way to go girly and I will be in touch soon!

You and your inspiration will be missed at the veggie site!

I'm excited to see what you have in store! I have really enjoyed your A Year of You class (I'm a bit behind, but love, love, love it!) and would be interested to see any LOs you have for the rest of the year. Jen's LO is fabulous, but you have a really distinctive (and amazing!) style and I would really love to continue that style in my book. Good luck with your new adventure!

I loved your Year of You class, I was looking for it this morning, when I had seen Jen (love her btw!) hosting this month and thought that maybe it might be a temp thing, so I hopped over here to see that you have resigned!
You'll be missed for sure, but I wish you luck in everything you do, you are an amazing inspiration! If you do continue with posting your layouts for the class here, I will definitely be checking in!
Again, wishing you luck in anything you pursue! And thank you for the wonderful things you have brought to us over at 2peas!

I am not going anywhere. I'll continue to stalk you and love on your forevah!! I just can't wait to see what you're up to!! And you left some VERY big shoes to fill, girlie!! :) Big hugs to you and hope your hubby is soon feeling MUCH better.

I will really miss you in the garden Robyn as you are one of my fav GG! :( I will keep checking your blog for new things and would love to see you continue the Year of You on your blog, which I check all the time! :D You are an amazing scrapper and always so inspiring!
Take care, Cindy

I love your Year of You class and would love to see it continued on your blog.
I'm a quilter also so I can't wait to see what you have coming.Good luck.

Your work is always so beautiful...

missing you already!!

I will miss seeing you on Two Peas, but best of luck in your new roles! I would love to see you continue the "month" layouts on your blog. Each day a new Garden went up (usually about 5:30 a.m.), I'd rush over there to see your layouts specifically. I kinda stalk you, Robyn, (but not in a creepy way) and I scraplift you more than anyone else. So, I will be happily continuing to check your blog every day. Best of luck!!!

i will really miss seeing your inspiring ideas in the garden each month :(
but i can't wait to see what else you have planned. i'm sure it'll be wonderful!

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